The Roots Story
The idea came from walking to Romania’s wilderness, an activity that we do regularly.
Our boots are always ready, waiting impatiently for us at the door. We all have our roots in nature and this is an aspect that we try to cover in most of our trips: to discover our origins, to explore the unknown, to learn from our ancestors and pass it on to others.
And we love being on routes and connected to our roots, and to the beautiful nature around us. In all the years of wandering on picturesque routes, we have gathered experience and knowledge about being in nature, and enjoying it in a responsible way.
Now time has come when we want to share all this wonderful resources with you.
Our tours are designed to take you to the Untamed Romania: from the unspoiled mountains and valleys to the authentic countryside. On the way, we will share with you our knowledge about fauna, flora, history and local gastronomy.
Let us take you on a trip where you will explore both nature and your inner senses. You have nature in your soul, let’s experience it together!
You have nature in your soul, let’s experience it together!
O drumeție ușoară poate fi la fel de aventuroasă ca una mai grea.
Da, iarna vine și pleacă în fiecare an. Și când vine, este sezonul distracției și bucuriei în zăpadă.
Aduceți-vă echipamentul de alpinism și veniți să vă explorați limitele verticale pe pereții din Munții Carpați.
Schi de tură și rachete de zăpadă
În lunile de iarnă, dar mai sigur în perioada ianuarie – aprilie, ne bucurăm de powder și de spectacolul alb.
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